Prenuptial & Cohabitation Agreements
While most people are not looking forward to talking about their divorce as they are preparing to get married says family lawyers Edmonton. It is often very pragmatic approach, since 40% of all first marriages end in divorce in Canada. This means that more people are...
Prenuptial & Cohabitation Agreements
While prenuptial agreements are most common for marriages that are persons second or third marriage says family lawyers Edmonton. Prenuptial agreements are actually a great idea when people get married, but they want to ensure that they are protecting their wealth,...
Prenuptial & Cohabitation Agreements
While most people do not want to think about what is going to happen when their marriage ends in divorce says family lawyers Edmonton. But the statistics show that almost half of all marriages end in divorce, with the divorce rate in Canada being 40%. Therefore, it is...
Prenuptial & Cohabitation Agreements
While prenuptial agreements are most common for second or subsequent marriages says family lawyers Edmonton. Prenuptial’s are essentially used whenever one or both people entering into a marriage want to protect their wealth, their property or their business....
Mediation & Collaboration
While most people who get married do not expect that their marriage is going to end in divorce says family lawyers Edmonton. Stats Canada has said that 38% of all marriages in Canada will end in divorce. This means that there are a lot of...
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