Mediation & Collaboration
Attending mediation sessions can often help people with an amicable divorce says family lawyers Edmonton. While a lot of people make the assumption that mediation is only helpful once they have been unable to reach an agreement with their...
Mediation & Collaboration
One common misconception that people often have when it comes to mediation says family lawyers Edmonton, is that it needs to be arranged by lawyers. And while this can be the case, that a lawyer will recommend that a couple attends a mediation...
Mediation & Collaboration
One statistic that might surprise a lot of people, is that 38% of all marriages end in divorce in Canada says family lawyers Edmonton. Therefore, people often get married, thinking that it will be for life, but end up negotiating a divorce...
Mediation & Collaboration
When people understand not only the purpose of mediation, but how mediation works, they will be more likely to contact family lawyers Edmonton for mediator much sooner in their process. The reason why this is important, is because attending...
Mediation & Collaboration
Common misconceptions about mediation often causes people to not seek it out as early as they should says family lawyers Edmonton. In fact, most people believe that mediation is only necessary once the communication has broken down between...
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