Mediation & Collaboration
One of the biggest misconceptions about mediation according to family lawyers Edmonton is that it is only required once communication has already broken down. However, this is not the case, and any marital breakdown can use mediation in order...
Mediation & Collaboration
Even though most people are not looking forward to going through the divorce process says family lawyers Edmonton, there are several things that they can do in order to ensure that the process is as fair and uneventful as possible. One of the...
Mediation & Collaboration
One of the first things that people should understand when it comes to dissolving their marriage says family lawyers Edmonton, is that a mediator can significantly help the process. Stats Canada says that 38% of marriages in Canada and up in a...
Mediation & Collaboration
The reason so many people have questions about mediation according to family lowers Edmonton, is because they are unaware that this is a process that is available to them before they even hire their first lawyer. Many people believe that...
Mediation & Collaboration
The reason why many people often are not aware that mediation is an option for them says family lawyers Edmonton, is because they have not been through a divorce before. 3% of all marriages in Canada and up in divorce according to stats Canada,...
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